CECRA Development
EUFRAS is taking a coordinating role in rural advisor qualification and certification in Europe by joining the IALB competence development standard CECRA (Certificate for European Consultants in Rural Areas). On the 15th of June within the 54th IALB Conference and 3rd EUFRAS Meeting in Solothurn, Switzerland EUFRAS Chairman of the Board Tom Kelly and IALB President Edda Albers signed the Cooperation and Usage Agreement on CECRA between IALB and EUFRAS, that constitutes the basis of the involvement of EUFRAS in CECRA.
3/30/20222 min read
EUFRAS is taking a coordinating role in rural advisor qualification and certification in Europe by joining the IALB competence development standard CECRA (Certificate for European Consultants in Rural Areas). On the 15th of June within the 54th IALB Conference and 3rd EUFRAS Meeting in Solothurn, Switzerland EUFRAS Chairman of the Board Tom Kelly and IALB President Edda Albers signed the Cooperation and Usage Agreement on CECRA between IALB and EUFRAS, that constitutes the basis of the involvement of EUFRAS in CECRA.
A good number of EUFRAS member organizations already pronounced interest to become CECRA partner (Regional Certification Body) and/or CECRA Module Provider and have actively participated in the CECRA-Workshop in April 2015 in Landshut. Also the fast track training the trainer event for very experienced trainers within EUFRAS membership who were keen to start the training process took place from 6th till the 10th of October 2015 in Dublin.
The IALB –project group CECRA goes Europe prepared the upscaling process of the certification system CECRA in February 2015: Josef Wein FüAK Bayern, Edgars Linde EUFRAS Vice President, Andis Kursitis LLKC Latvia, Pablo Asensio, Regierung von Niederbayern, Jürgen Käßer LEL Baden-Württemberg, Head of CECRA-AG, Liane Kaipel Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik Wien Austria, Kristine Zepere LLKC Latvia, Erich Waldmeier IALB Switzerland.
June 15th 2015: EUFRAS Chairman Dr Tom Kelly and IALB President Edda Albers sign the CECRA Cooperation and Usage Agreement between IALB and EUFRAS in a small festive ceremony, assisted by Roland Künzler, the organizer of the 2015 IALB Conference in Solothurn – Switzerland.
The EUFRAS CECRA Office functions as contact point for all issues and questions concerning the rural advisor qualification and competence development program CECRA in Europe outside the German speaking area. The tasks of the EUFRAS CECRA Office are described in detail in the IALB-EUFRAS Cooperation Agreement on CECRA signed in Solothurn in June 2015.
EUFRAS delegates Andis Kursitis (LRATC Latvia) Andis.Kursitis@llkc.lv as designated Head of the EUFRAS-CECRA-Working-Group to represent EUFRAS in the IALB CECRA-AG.

Riga str 34, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas novads, LV-3018, Latvija
Phone: +371 29736468
mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
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NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
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