i2connect's 4th AKIS Regional Stakeholders Workshop
Will take place online 18th October 9:00 – 12:30 CET. The Fourth Workshop will focus on the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in Central and Eastern Europe. Organized by SEASN
10/14/20241 min read

i2connect's 4th AKIS Regional Stakeholders Workshop
what will take place online 18th October 9:00 – 12:30 CET.
The Fourth Workshop will focus on the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in Central and Eastern Europe.
Organized by SEASN
After presentations on AKIS measures under the CAP and on the modernAKIS project, the AKIS of five countries – Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia – will be presented, discussions will take place in breakout groups, before a final debate in plenary
We invite you to save the date and register here:
Riga str 34, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas novads, LV-3018, Latvija
Phone: +371 29736468
mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
Reg nr. 40008219277