Insight to fourth EUFRAS COFFEE Break event with Thematic networks

The EUFRAS COFFEE Break event offered insights into three projects. AdvisoryNetPest focused on strengthening EU advisory services and forest knowledge-sharing to reduce pesticide use and associated risks, STRATUS about accelerete knowledge creations and sharing on Integrated Fertilization management but OrtganicAdviceNetwork about Europe-wide network of organic advisors of varying experience levels.


10/28/20241 min read

This time, the discussion highlighted three projects: AdvisoryNetPEST, aimed at enhancing EU advisory services and knowledge exchange to reduce pesticide usage and associated risks; STRATUS, which connects advisors across Europe to accelerate knowledge creation and sharing on integrated fertilizers management; and OrganicAdviceNetwork, which fosters a network of organic farming advisors with varying levels of experience throughout Europe.

We extend our sincere thanks to the event moderator, Anita Dzelme from EUFRAS, as well as to our outstanding speakers: Beatriz Cardoso from CONSULAI, Paula Resano Goizueta from INTIA, and Claire Morelle from IFOAM.

A warm thank goes to our EUFRAS COFFEE Break attendees—over 120 registered participants from 27 countries!

We look forward to seeing you at the next EUFRAS COFFEE Break events!

The fourth EUFRAS COFFEE Break event took place on October 24. This session introduced a slightly different format, focusing not on practical tools for immediate implementation by rural advisors, but on thematic networks in which advisors still have an opportunity to participate.

If you missed the live session, no worries—feel free to enjoy it now!